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Narenj Tree Foundation


11393044_868303479910829_6324447840344908756_n        11147875_864135156994328_7432772365074412840_n

Helping Others

It is our duty to help those less fortunate. I recognize the fact that I have been afforded opportunities that others may not enjoy. I believe that it is my responsibility to lift up others in my community and around the world, so that our society can become stronger and more representative of all dreams and all people. As a Syrian – American, I am acutely aware that there are over 11 million Syrians scattered all over the world, living in camps. Therefore, the Syrian part of me needs to help them face adversity and maximize their chances to flourish. I’m a member of a Non-Profit Organization named the Narenj Tree Foundation. As a member, my full time duty is to collect donations of canned food, clothes, money, and hospital equipment. My specific job in that organization is to gather people at the end of each 2 week cycle, to fill shipping containers with donations and to send them to Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria. It always feels good to help others in need of assistance.













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