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About Me

Hi! My name is Kevin Hanie, and I’m originally from Bridgewater, New Jersey. Currently, I am a senior at Temple University majoring in Accounting and Management Information Systems. The combination of these two majors helps give me a full picture in regards to the way business is done, whether it be on the financial side or the technical side. On top of this, I am an active member of AIS, the MIS Student Professional Organization. Through my participation in AIS I have been able to volunteer throughout the community of Philadelphia in order to give back to those in need, mentor new students to help them find their footing, and learn about advanced topics relating to the world of data and information that might not normally been taught in the classroom. Finally, I work as a Student Financial Analyst for Temple’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute. Working there, I help pay invoices, track spending, prepare budgets, and assist with other odd-jobs around the office. My plate is definitely full, but also enriching.

In my free time I love to be outdoors, hiking or swimming. One of my favorite spots to hike to is the peak of Hawk Mountain in Kempton, PA (pictured below). It’s on the migration path of multiple raptor species, so on a fall day there’s nothing better than sitting at the top of the mountain and watching hawks and vultures soar over the valley.

Hawk Mountain View

My view from the top of Hawk Mountain

In the colder months I prefer staying in and cross stitching or doing puzzles. I’ve been doing cross stitch for a few years now, and I find it helps clear my mind after a long day. One of my favorite pieces that I’ve done is pictured below.

A cross stitch made for my mom

A cross stitch made for my mom

Of the goals that I have, the most important one at the moment is passing the CPA exam. Hopefully my studies at Temple, along with my internship this coming summer with PwC, will help prepare me for that. I’m also very interested in traveling, for I believe that there is so much beauty in the world and it would be a waste not to see it.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the rest of my e-portfolio!









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