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Selected Coursework

Here are a couple of my favorite courses that I have taken at Temple so far…


Intermediate Accounting I & II

Intermediate Accounting I & II were deep dives into the world of accounting processes. Each accounting activity was broken down into its core parts and thoroughly examined so that students could understand what was truly happening, instead of just memorizing what numbers go where. It was also very interesting to look at different accounting treatments based on the rules that are in place for a certain year, since they are always changing (although this did mean more material to learn for the exams). Intermediate II also gave me my first taste of the CPA exam, with weekly sets of questions taken from past exams due for a grade. My success in these classes makes me excited for the accounting career that I aim to achieve, for they will serve as the foundation upon which the rest of my knowledge is built.


Data Centric App Development

Data Centric App Development was an extremely interesting class to me. Before taking it I had very little idea of how code worked, how websites were created, or basically how anything on the internet came to be. In this class I learned the basics of HTML, CSS, PHP, and SQL, which opened my eyes to how websites function and how they connect to databases. HTML and CSS, the elements that kicked off the class, were used to create content on a webpage and style it any way I wanted. PHP allowed me to connect to a database and all of the information that it contained, and using PHP with SQL I could access that data and display it on a webpage. The topics covered in this class are the building blocks of coding, and more than anything helped expand my thinking in terms of how data can be used and displayed, which can greatly help me in an accounting profession. As technology becomes more intertwined with accounting, more emphasis is being placed on how data can be conveyed to customers, and this class greatly helped with that.


Digital Design and Innovation Studio

While this class was one of the more challenging ones that I have taken at Temple, I learned a great deal from it. The course centered around a semester-long project that involved building a prototype of an interface for a company that wished to make a process less time consuming. This required multiple interviews with the company in order to obtain requirements, many hours spent developing scope documents and use cases, and presenting in front of the company at the end of the semester. Luckily, my team worked really well together, and we were all able to contribute to create an amazing project. The skills I learned in this class, especially because of this project, will greatly aid me in my career down the road. Time management, teamwork, and how to get information out of an interview are just some of those skills that will prove invaluable.

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