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A Practical Approach to IT Org Design

  1. Name of sponsoring organization – Gartner
  2. Details of the activity – IT
  3. What you learned –
  4. Organizational design is considered an integral component of the Information and Technology operating model by CIOs for several reasons. First the structure and arrangement of an organization play a crucial role in determining how effectively it can leverage technology to achieve its business goals. A well-designed organizational framework aligns IT capabilities with overall business objectives, ensuring a seamless integration of technology into various business processes.
  5. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals- This may be something that I end up having to work with in my future employment. IT is an ever-expanding field so becoming accustomed with the org design within those IT models can help you become more familiar with how if you are a manager you should implement or structure a new IT or rework a current IT org layout.
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