My Interests
Being physically active has always played a big role in my life. Physical activity is not only beneficial for staying healthy, it’s a great way to relieve stress. Additionally, some of the most important life lessons I have learned over the years have come from being physically active in sports. Since I was a child, I have constantly been involved in a variety of sports and outdoor activities. Throughout high school, I was an avid track and cross country runner, as well as a member of the tennis team. My personal favorite activity is playing hockey, which I began playing around the age of ten. In high school, I took an active role in re-instating the roller hockey team and was elected to be the Assistant Captain. I also participate in men’s hockey leagues during the summer. Recently, I have also discovered a new physical interest, which are obstacle races. Over the last year, I have participated in both the Tough Mudder and Spartan Race, which consist of a combination between distance running and physical obstacles. I completed both these races with family members, which was a test of my teamwork skills, as well as stamina and strength.
Another Interest of mine is professional sports. I enjoy watching Philadelphia Eagles games with friends, as well as going to Temple football and basketball games. With hockey being my favorite activity, it is fitting that the Philadelphia Flyers are my all time favorite sports team. I have loved watching the Flyers for as long as I can remember, and it is not uncommon to find me watching a game down at the stadiums.
Music has come to be a big passion of mine as well. I enjoy listening to music for many different reasons, whether it be to get motivated, to relieve stress, or just to hang out and relax. I started off being very selective with my preferences but I have grown to enjoy listening to almost any kind of music. My favorite genre is Alternative Rock. I enjoy going to concerts with friends and I have been fortunate to see some of my favorite artists perform, such as The Killers, Blink 182, Fallout Boy, Paramore, and Weezer.