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MIS 2502

Big Data:

Big data is a common term in business that holds a variety of meanings depending on who you ask. Essentially, big data can be defined as massive data sets that exceed the processing abilities of conventional database systems. This data is characterized by its volume, the velocity at which it is collected, and the variety of formats it is structured in. Big data is important because properly managing and analyzing information provides businesses a variety of benefits such as reduced costs, optimized offerings, the ability to determine potential issues, and the ability to make better business decisions.

In the MIS 2502 Data Analytics class, we have had a lot of relevant hands on experience with big data sets. In particular, we have learned techniques on how to store, transform, and analyze data sets. We have worked in MySQL to store and edit data sets. We have also used Microsoft Excel to transform data and create data cubes, as well as RStudio to compute chi- squared statistics and Decision trees for analyzing data files.

Costco is a great example of a company that effectively utilizes big data to enhance their operations. Costco records an enormous amount of data on each customer and every purchase, which they use for variety of functions. When the company was faced with a recall of tainted fruit, Costco was able to effectively manage their big data to discover which customers were at risk. Within 24 hours of the recall Costco had contacted every customer affected through phone calls and email, and ultimately avoided what could have blown up to be a much larger crisis. Costco was also praised for their handling of the situation and saw a strengthening of customer loyalty. Costco’s utilization of big data to discover and contact customers is a great example of how big data can be used in business operations.



Delgado, Rick. “Can Big Data Save Retail? Good and Bad Examples of Using Big Data .” Can Big Data Save Retail? Good and Bad Examples of Using Big Data. Customer Think, 5 Sept. 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2016. <>.

“What Is Big Data and Why It Matters.” What Is Big Data? SAS, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2016. <>.


Temple’s Data Analytics Challenge- October 2016

I collaborated with 3 other partners to design an infographic focusing on the Diabetes epidemic for MERCK.


Writeup: write up

Data Science Infographic

Here is an infographic that I helped to design for an assignment in my Data Science class. We were able to use real lacrosse survey data from my internship at Bquipped in order to develop an analysis of the lacrosse stick market.


MIS 2501

Flash Papers:

Here are a few flash paper assignments I have worked on for MIS 2501

Data Centers – mis-flash-paper-data-centers

Virtualization – virtualization-flash-paper-2

SharePoint – sharepoint-paper

WordPress – wordpress-flash-paper

Itunes – ITunes_PDF

Xbox Live – Xbox Live_PDF


Video Projects:

Here are three extra credit video assignments I completed for MIS 2501. In these videos I discuss the functions and key capabilities of the technology , as well as provide a hands-on, easy to follow demonstration on how to use the technology.

RAID-5 Arrays – RAID-5 Array Video

WordPress – WordPress Video

Cloud Computing / Dropbox – Dropbox Video



Here is the presentation that I helped to create as a final project in MIS 3504. My team and I worked together to design a solution to common problems facing bars such as long lines, tab management, and overspending. Our solution was an app called TabOut, and we developed a prototype that can be seen later on in the presentation. By using TabOut, users can create an account, place drink orders from their seats, and can manage their funds. TabOut also helps to reduce large crowds around the bar and makes the serving process more efficient.

Final tab out presentation from Kyle Matusik
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