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Academic History

Temple University

Brief Overview: My experience at Temple University has been unique and spans across several areas of study. I started my academic career at Temple University in 2012 as an undeclared major in order to explore my options. In the fall semester of my sophomore year, I declared a major in marketing and became heavily involved in the Fox School of Business. However after being approached by several members of the MIS department in the fall of my junior year, I realized the skills and opportunities exclusively available to MIS majors were a necessity in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

Honors and Achievement: I am a part of the Temple University Honors program as well as the Fox School of Business Honors Program. I was included on the dean’s list and honors director’s list in Spring 2013, Fall 2013, and Spring 2014. I currently have a 3.92 GPA and am among the top 10% of juniors in the Fox School of Business.

Classes: Some of my favorite and most valuable classes at Temple University include:

  • Data-Centric Application Development (MIS 3501)
  • Lead Global Digital Projects (MIS 3535)
  • Honors Integrative Business Applications (BA 3903)
  • Enterprise IT Architecture (MIS 2501)
  • Digital Design and Innovation (MIS 3504)
  • Data Analytics (MIS 2502)
  • Information Systems in Organizations (MIS 2101)
  • Honors Business Statistics (STAT 2903)
  • Honors Operations Management (MSOM 3901)
  • Business Communications (BA 2196)
  • Honors Financial Management (FIN 3901)
  • Excel for Business Applications (BA 2104)
  • Honors Microeconomics (ECON 1902)
  • Marketing Management (MKTG 2101)
  • Development and Globalization (SOC 0862)




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