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Cherry Consulting

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In my junior year, I was chosen as the Director of Cherry Consulting, a new initiative within Temple’s chapter of the American Marketing Association. Cherry Consulting is a marketing consulting firm that offers clients services such as competitive and business analysis, social media management, and advertising and promotions. Because this is the first year of Cherry Consulting, I was tasked with creating its social media sites, brochure, and website content. I also interviewed and chose a select team of 11 members with varying degrees of experience and skill to assist me in acquiring clients and providing marketing services.



At the start of the Fall 2014 semester, Cherry Consulting took on it’s first client: a Fortune Global 500 company – Sodexo. More so referred to as “Temple Dining,” Sodexo is the sole provider of meals and meal plans for Temple University. Sodexo approached the Directors of Cherry Consulting with a problem: a decline in the number of meal plans purchased on campus, and a decline in overall satisfaction as a food provider. Throughout the semester, the Cherry Consulting team worked to create a Marketing & Communications Plan for Sodexo, starting with various research methods to understand students’ perception of Temple Dining. Using interviews, focus groups, and surveys, the consultants gained insight from over 300 students. Using this insight, the consultants identified Sodexo’s major problem and suggested multiple ways to improve communication and increase overall sales. Based on the quality of work presented to Sodexo, the Directors of Cherry consulting were asked to  present their findings to Sodexo’s “client,” Temple University (Link to presentation). The presentation served to form a more symbiotic relationship between Temple and Sodexo. Following this presentation, Cherry Consulting was asked to continue their partnership with Sodexo into and throughout the Spring 2015 semester – if not longer. This ongoing partnership will include implementation of promotions & tactics, analysis of communication efforts and their effectiveness, and a continuation of efforts to better the relationship between Temple & Sodexo.

Jules E. Mastbaum Area Vocational High School

In order to give back to the local Philadelphia community, Cherry Consulting teamed up with Bob Moul, CEO of Artisan Mobile, to create a marketing plan for a Kensington vocational high school. Jules E. Mastbaum Area Vocational High School has been experiencing a gradual drop in enrollment over the past few years. This is a serious issue because decreased enrollment leads to a decrease in government funding for teachers and resources. So far, the consultants have traveled to the school several times in order to build a relationship with the students, teachers, and faculty and to gain a better understanding of how to market this incredible school. Beginning efforts include competitive business analysis and social media management – starting with an assessment and redesign of the school’s website. This is students’ and parents’ first impression of this high school and we hope to create a web resource – with the help of the high school’s own talented Graphic Design students – that will lead to an increase in awareness and, ultimately, attendance.


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