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Business Intelligence Intern in Global Back Office Solutions (GBOS) at Walmart

This past summer I traveled to Bentonville, Arkansas, to participate in Walmart’s 2015 Corporate Internship Program on the Business Intelligence team in the Global Back Office Solutions Division.

My Project: I worked in conjunction with Walmart’s Travel & Expense Team to develop dashboards with drill down capabilities to be provided to individual business units and departments. The goal of my solution was to show travel spend and increase accountability for overspend, which should decrease unnecessary travel expenses.

Through this project, I was exposed to many different roles and career paths. I gained experience in data analytics and visualization by developing interactive dashboards with drill-down capabilities using  Tableau, and I gained some experience with predictive analytics using SAS. I also performed the functions of a business analyst by gathering requirements, building a relationship with my customer, and developing the framework of a business requirements document (BRD) and data dictionary. I also got a taste of project management by using Microsoft Project to schedule my project tasks and goals and attempting to keep the customer on track with their deliverables to my team.

Hack Day Winner: I was also involved in the intern “Hack Day” with the task of designing the future Supercenter. My team designed and prototyped a translator within the Walmart application with the ability to scan shelf labels and translate product information in the user’s native language. This has given me the chance to increase my leadership abilities, team building skills, and ability to innovate and think outside of the box.

Networking: I also got the chance to network and build relationships with people outside of GBOS and even outside of technology all together. Specifically, I got the chance to shadow associates in project management, business analysis, merchandising, sustainability, user experience, and enterprise strategy.

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