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Opportunity Knocks: Wisdom from Recent Grads on Jobs & Internships

The Main Line Chamber of Commerce hosted this webinar for recent graduates to share their insight on the early years of professional experience, especially job and internship application processes. Through this panel sharing their first five years of industry experience, the viewers were able to gain insight into the challenges and how to overcome the early career timeline.

Through this event, I learned to ask myself what is important to me through the job application processes and to apply to jobs that genuinely fulfill my life goals/purpose. While I was going through the process, they mentioned that is important for me to keep an open mind, and be ready to take on any job regardless of the title (since most job descriptions do not give the full scope). They told the viewers to not be discouraged and to maintain optimism, even though there are going to be many more “no’s” than “yes’s” in the early application periods. Finally, they emphasized the importance of researching the companies that you will be interacting with before doing so, so you can demonstrate this knowledge of this company as a selling point to them.

Throughout the MIS coursework, we learn all about how business processes and tech can feed into one another, and tech has a big hand in the recruitment/hiring process these days. Through our classes, we learn how to make technology work FOR us, and this can be extended into this same experience as we look for jobs. Even though we are a tech-related major, MIS allows us to be adaptable to many more job titles beyond the IT field.

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