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Project Management – Week of 9/25

I am working with Team 7  in the Moustafellos class.

Team 7  consists of four guys who seem to know their fundamentals. This past week, I have helped them get back on track with their two most recent assignments – the individual and team scopes.

I first created a progress gauge to provide a visual display of their progress. If they are behind, the gauge shows this in vivid colors, not simple text. This seems more effective at creating a sense of urgency.

Also, I was made aware of a setback on the individual scope task through our GroupMe chat. Within a few hours, the issue was resolved, and I ensured everyone had posted their scopes to our shared Drive folder.

One point of concern going forward is ensuring Team 7 meets with the instructor to perfect their scope. I will be looking for accountability on this front from Team 7. They all seem driven and willing to put in the time, so I do not see a problem in maintaining momentum as long as urgency is maintained.

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