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Philadelphia Youth Network

In the Fall 2013 semester, I participated in an independent study for Philadelphia Youth Network, a non-profit affiliated with the office of the Mayor of Philadelphia. This project operated through the Human Resource Management department at Temple under the guidance of Dr. Andrea Brooks-Lopez. In this project, we had several objectives:

  • Create or find content to train high school students in job skills
    • Examples – Resumes, thank you notes, using Microsoft Office
  • Create a website to disseminate this information to students
  • Create a web-based quiz to test student knowledge on skills training
  • Provide cross-compatibility with mobile platforms

I spearheaded the effort to design and create the website. I also created new content for skills training. Our final product:

  • WordPress-based website
  • 14 pages of job skills content
  • social media connectivity to facilitate website dissemination
  • gamification with customized badges and leveling to engage users
  • custom-built quiz of 10-15 questions to test students and allow them to share scores on a leaderboard
  • feedback options to get constructive student feedback on site improvement
  • mobile compatibility

The site achieved everything PYN wanted and did not miss deadlines set by Dr. Brooks-Lopez or PYN. In the eyes of all relevant parties, the project was a success. This also helped develop a relationship between a major Philadelphia non-profit and Temple’s HRM department.


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