MIS 2101.701 – Amy Lavin – Spring 2017



MIS2101 Section 701/702
T: 7:00-8:55PM via WebEx



Amy Lavin

Speakman Hall, Room 209G
Office hours:  Tuesday & Thursday – 10-11:30 and by appointment

Diamond Peer Teachers

This semester we will have a Diamond Peer Teacher assisting with this course.  While Diamond Peer Teachers are assigned to specific sections, students from all sections are encouraged to utilize the Diamond Peers during office hours and during exam review sessions.  Diamond Peers are resources that are provided to students to help students be successful in this course.  

The Diamond Peer Teacher for this semester is:

Sean Dougherty
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-2pm, and Wednesdays 2-4pm, held in Speakman 209B

Course description

Information Systems in Organizations introduces students to core concepts of management information systems. Students learn to identify and analyze organizational systems and processes using techniques including conceptual diagramming, process decomposition, and data modeling; gain experience in identifying and using multiple types of systems used by organizations ranging from start-ups to global enterprises; and, analyze consumer information systems to understand multiple approaches to systems architecture, the power of network effects and platforms, and the importance of digital identity management. Ethical issues in use of information systems and the role of systems in business careers are also covered.


MIS2101 was completely redesigned for the fall of 2015.  Credit for this redesign goes to Professor Steven Johnson. The work done by Professor Johnson makes a bold intellectual statement about innovative techniques that enable students to develop a deeper, more genuine understanding of the most essential topics covered in an MIS course and a departure from the traditional memorization of terms that students take away from a traditional MIS course.

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