Information Systems in Organizations

How Technology Can Fix The B2B Sales Process?

In today’s world, it is very difficult for B2B buyers to find the right match to give their business to due to an overload of data and a variety of vendors to choose from all with the same generic messages to target their clients. The internet has done nothing to change this B2B buying experience other than making it easier to research companies. The sales process is not personalized, and the buyer is forced to speak with many different vendors all with the same agenda and sales pitch. At times this can put the buyer to sleep. It is very difficult to narrow down a large vendor list, the companies with the most money almost always get the sale due to marketing efforts regardless if they can do the best job or not, and nothing is personalized for the buyer as the same sales decks are used over and over in order to target the masses. Technology has the ability to change this by going beyond the basic marketing techniques and making the buying experience more personable. Buyers should star t utilizing technology to seek out vendors who can go beyond the basic qualifiers and put them on a path to buy rather than feel overwhelmed with too much information and be just another contract on the books.


1. What can vendors due to make the buyer feel like more than just another contract on the books in a B2B transaction?

2. How can technology be utilized to match prospective vendors with buyers to save them time researching?
3. Do you think business would be more efficient if buyers were matched with vendors through technology, almost like online dating, rather than have to go out and research on there own?

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