MIS2101 – Spring 2015

Information Systems in Organizations

How IoT Is Changing B2B Relationships

The Internet of Things (IoT) is providing organizations with quicker and more efficient communication methods in B2B relationships. IoT is the evolution of a Machine-to-Machine or M2M model in order to connect businesses devices to one another in order to easily update product status. The use of IoT has become increasing popular in the technology world and is currently implemented at GE, Cisco, Microsoft, and AT&T helping streamline the business-to-business relationship. Under an IoT approach companies can control and recognize potential issues in both the Supply Chain and Customer Relationship Management side of a business. It is making existing processes more efficient by providing real-time updates on production and inventory levels to warehouse managers. They can also check the status of shipped items with exact locations under its cargo tracking as well as indicate the health of the asset in travel in order to check on its condition. Finally, IoT practically creates a new business model allowing B2B and B2C to be intertwined. It is improving communication process and making it easier and more effective when dealing with customers providing them with this same real-time information.

Do you think more companies will begin to implement IoT under an M2M model in order to strengthen B2B relationships? Why or why not?

Is there a downside or potential weakness in implementing this type of system in an organization?


Veeva Systems’ CEO On Why Pharma Needs His Cloud Software

This article gives a great real life example of how Cloud computing is being utilzed in the life sciences industry. Since this was written, other pharmaceutical firms such as Glaxo Smith-Kline, have turned to Veevo for business solutions to support sales, CRM as well as the management of their clinical trial.  This industry relys heavily on outside data given the strict regulatory environment in the US.  Watch the video and then decide:

1) What competitive advantage do Pharma companies have by using a system like Veevo’s?

2) What reasons do you think pharma company’s would have for not implementing a system like this?


Will Technology Advances Mark the Death of a Salesman?

In Chapter 8 of Kroenke, we investigated the impact of SAP systems on the sales process.  We learn how SAP systems can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the sales process which can lead to increased profits for the entire business.  However, advances in technology may also have an adverse effect on the “salesmen”.  Technological advances, such as social media, have decreased the amount of face-to-face sales relationships and increased the importance of mass marketing.  It is argued in the article, “Will Technology Advances Mark the Death of a Salesman?” that technological advances will not mark the death of salesmen but rather former or old sales strategies.



Discussion Questions:

How do you think advances in technology will change current and future sales strategies?  How will they change the role of the salesman?

Do you think that the idea of mass marketing is an effective way to market to individuals? (Think google analytics ect.)

Do you agree that our society has shifted from one that values customer service to one that puts more value in low prices?



Should You Look to Cloud Computing for Your DTC Operations?

In Kronke, Chapter 8, we learned that it’s important to have the right system in place, such as SAP to help your sales organization become more efficient.  We learned briefly that cloud-based systems, such as Salesforce.com can offer some benefits, not only with sales, but with CRM capabilites as well. This article talks about how cloud computing for direct to consumer sales should be carefully considered when searching for the right system.


1) When talking about cloud based systems, the examples of companies using them that are usually given are smaller companies. Do you think that with the right long term IT strategy a large organization would take the leap to a cloud based system?

2) Do you think that cloud based systems could replace systems such as SAP?


How Technology Can Fix The B2B Sales Process?



In today’s world, it is very difficult for B2B buyers to find the right match to give their business to due to an overload of data and a variety of vendors to choose from all with the same generic messages to target their clients. The internet has done nothing to change this B2B buying experience other than making it easier to research companies. The sales process is not personalized, and the buyer is forced to speak with many different vendors all with the same agenda and sales pitch. At times this can put the buyer to sleep. It is very difficult to narrow down a large vendor list, the companies with the most money almost always get the sale due to marketing efforts regardless if they can do the best job or not, and nothing is personalized for the buyer as the same sales decks are used over and over in order to target the masses. Technology has the ability to change this by going beyond the basic marketing techniques and making the buying experience more personable. Buyers should star t utilizing technology to seek out vendors who can go beyond the basic qualifiers and put them on a path to buy rather than feel overwhelmed with too much information and be just another contract on the books.


1. What can vendors due to make the buyer feel like more than just another contract on the books in a B2B transaction?

2. How can technology be utilized to match prospective vendors with buyers to save them time researching?
3. Do you think business would be more efficient if buyers were matched with vendors through technology, almost like online dating, rather than have to go out and research on there own?

EnerNOC powers up BPM to automate a core business process


This article talks about an energy company that uses specific business process to help companies manage their energy usage. They use  energy intelligence software to obtain information about their energy usage.


1. Do you think that EnerNOC business process is strategically  built in a way that will make them successful?

2. Do you think the combination of the software system that manages company’s usage and the  relationships made between EnerNOC make this successful?


NASA Improves Inventory Time by 30% Using DataSpan’s Passive RFID Technology and Nears Completion of its Agency-wide RFID-based Asset Inventory Management Solution



DataSpan implemented a RFID system for NASA to help them more efficiently manage their inventory with the reduction of their support staff.  It says that this will improve their inventory time by 30% and allow them to still remain efficient even with fewer employees.  NASA is very happy with the results which exceeded even their lofty expectations.


1.  Do you believe more companies with attempt to implement RFID systems to help with their inventory? Why or why not?

2.  Do you believe that the success of the RFID system for NASA will make other companies think about reducing their support staffs as well?

3.  Are you comfortable with NASA using an RFID system with all of their classified and top secret information and inventory? Does the system increase the possibility of a breach?

Enterasys Taps Coupa for SAP Purchase Order Workflow


This article discusses how Enterasys, a company that provides services and equipment for wired and wireless networks, recognized a need to streamline their procurement process. Enterasys did their research on various software packages and decided that Coupa, a cloud based software, provided the versatility necessary to fulfill their needs.

1.  Will more companies be as successful as Enterasys with switching from the legacy systems to cloud based software for procurement purposes.

2.  What type of assistance is necessary for companies to make the right choices when choosing the appropriate software for procurement?

3.  Will the issue with security, which is mentioned in this article, hinder businesses from jumping on the “bandwagon” in relation to cloud based procurement software?

Why Business IT Innovation is So Difficult

Today, information systems are essential for businesses who would like to stay competitive within their markets. According to this article, IT has the potential to completely transform the supply side of business and to flatten organizational hierarchies. Those businesses that have adapted and embraced IT innovation have seen tremendous growth, as they are able to cut costs by effectively managing their information systems. However, unlike product innovation, IT innovation can take months, sometimes years to implement entirely throughout a company. For example, e-selling can be hard to undertake, as it requires the integration of many departments in the system, and is often very complex and difficult for larger IT companies to manage. While it can be difficult to manage, implementation of a new IT system should be seen as an innovative process. Through the process, companies learn about their system and use it to create a competitive advantage above the competition.

1. Why hasn’t it become easier to implement a new IT system company-wide with all of the advances we’ve seen in technology in recent years?

2. Do you think it is possible for companies to survive nowadays without having some sort of information system in place?

