MIS 2101.711 – Jonathan Latko – Summer 2018

Learn IT! #2

LEARN IT#2 Rubric:

 Learn IT #2 Rubric – Non-MIS-Majors Only (1)

Learn IT #2 Rubric – Non-MIS-Majors Only (2)


Before you do this assignment please make sure you visit the two e-Portfolios posted above and the two posted below your posted site to help drive traffic to each others’ site and improve the Google Analytics data. The sites are posted in the comments sections of this page: https://community.mis.temple.edu/mis2101sec711sum18/learn-it-1/ 





In this assignment you will analyze and report on key metrics that have been collected by Google Analytics regarding visitors that have visited your e-Portfolio site that you created in an earlier Learn IT! assignment.

Detailed instructions for students who are NOT MIS majors : Learn IT #2 for Non-MIS Majors

Detailed instructions for students who are MIS majors :  Learn IT! #2 for MIS Majors

Submission: Save your word or ppt document of deliverables with the naming convention LastName_First Name_2101Section2_LearnIT2 and email it from your Temple email account to: Learn_I.c306pxxpz9jgc7ya@u.box.com

*** Remember, no late assignments will be accepted!


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