Assignment #9: Association Mining Using R
Here are the assignment instructions. Fill out and submit this word document with your answers.
Here is the data file Groceries.csv
Assignment #8: Clustering in R
Here are the assignment instructions.
Fill out and submit this word document with your answers.
Here is the file you’ll need Jeans.csv.
Assignment #7: Decision Tree Introduction Using R
Here are the assignment instructions. Please fill out and submit this word document with your answers.
Here is the data set you’ll need (BankLoanCSV)
This assignment is due by Sunday, June 18th by 11:59 PM.
Assignment #6: Getting Familiar with R and R Studio
Here are the assignment instructions. Fill out this word document and submit your answers.
Here is the data set for the assignment. (OnTimeAirport)
This assignment will be due on Thursday, June 15th by 11:59 PM.
Assignment #5: Analyzing Data Cubes and Pivot Tables
Here is the assignment.
Here is the workbook (VandelaySales).
This assignment is due Sunday, June 11th by 11:59 PM.
Assignment #4: ETL
Here are the assignment instructions.
Here is the ETL Workbook.
This assignment is due by Thursday, June 8th at 11:59 PM.
Assignment #2 – SQL Part 1
Here are the assignment instructions.
This assignment is due by the start of class on Tuesday, May 30th.
Assignment #1: ER Modeling
Here are the assignment instructions.
Use ERDPlus to complete the assignment. It is pretty straightforward to use, but this handy video shows you how to create an ERD and export the diagram as a graphic. That graphic can then be inserted into a Microsoft Word document.
Remember, you must submit a single Microsoft Word document – if you send multiple files, you will not get credit for the assignment.
The assignment is due by the start of class on May 25, 2017.