instructor: Aaron Zhi Cheng, Section 003

Daily Archives: September 12, 2018

Resources for Assignment 1 (ER Modeling)

As Assignment 1 is due next Monday, 9/17, here are some additional resources to get help:

1. I hold regular office hours on Mondays and Wednesdays between 3:50 and 4:50 pm, in Speakman 201F. If you have a quick question, simply email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

2. If you’d like to practice on ERD, here is a practice question: Additional ERD Practice Question. It will not be collected. Step by step explanation and solution is provided.


Setting up MySQL Workbench Before Week 4 (the week of 9/17)

We’ll be using MySQL Workbench to create and execute SQL queries (to interact with databases). That will start around September 19, 2018.

(1) If you’re using your own computer (Windows or Mac), you’ll need to install the software;

If you’re using a lab computer which already has MySQL Workbench installed, you’ll still need to configure a connection to access databases with your username and password.

(2) You can get instructions for how to do both of those things in this Quick Guide to MySQL Workbench. Use the guide to set up your software and connection.

(3) Whether you use a lab computer or your own computer, you’ll also need a MySQL username and password. I’ve assigned one to each of you, which you’ll find in the Under Grades in Canvas

  • To find it, in Canvas, click Grades, then click “MySQL Account
  • You will find the MySQL username and password are added as comments to “MySQL Account.”
  • The first value that starts with “m” is the username, and the second value is the password.