instructor: Aaron Zhi Cheng, Section 003

Daily Archives: September 20, 2018

Assignment #2: SQL 1 – Getting Data out of the Database [Due Wednesday, 9/26/18, 11:59 pm]

Here are the instructions: Assignment #2 – SQL Part 1.

And here is the answer sheet: [Answer Sheet].

Due date: Wednesday, 9/26/2018, 11:59 pm.

  • Complete and submit the answer sheet as a Word or PDF document through Canvas.
  • You will need to use MySQL Workbench to complete the assignment.
  • Please do note that equipment failure is not an acceptable excuse.
  • Slides and ICAs will be your best materials for review. Also, check class captures if you miss something in the class.
  • Please come to my regular office hours (M&W: 3:50 – 4:50 pm) if you have any questions.
  • Do not procrastinate and start your assignment early!