instructor: Aaron Zhi Cheng, Section 003

Daily Archives: September 21, 2018

Examples of SQL statements For SQL Out (Advanced Queries) in the Powerpoint 2.2

SQL advanced queries are the most difficult ones in this course.

If you want to master SQL, you need to pay more attention, take more efforts, and do more practices.

I attached the SQL queries examples (Check SQL Format / Word Format) covered in the Slides 2.2. SQL 1 – Out – Advanced. You can also have access to them from the community site at Slides Deck. Please take a look and try those queries by yourself!!!

A few notes below.

  • Your ICA #2.2, Assignment #2, and Exam 1 will directly rely on your skills in writing SQL queries.
  • If you have not installed MySQL workbench, please do so as early as possible.
  • If you have difficulty in setting up your MySQL, please contact me or ITA Nathaly.

Come to the following office hours if you have any questions regarding SQL queries:

  • Monday/Wednesday: Speakman 201F,  3:50-4:50 pm;
  • Tuesday (Nathaly): Speakman 209, 9/25/18, 11am-2pm.