instructor: Aaron Zhi Cheng, Section 003

Aaron Cheng

Bonus Credit Assignment: Creating Schemas (Optional, Due Monday, 10/1/18, 11:59 pm)

There is a bonus credit assignment about creating schemas. It is optional. This is worth an additional 30% toward your Assignment #1 grade, if you choose to do it. Here are the instructions: Bonus Credit Assignment – Creating Schemas. It is due Monday, Oct 1, 11:59 pm. Submit your solution as a Word or PDF document through Canvas > Assignments.

Agenda for Week 4 (the week of 9/17)

Below is the agenda for Week 4.

Monday (9/17):

Getting Data out of a Database

Notes: Make sure you’ve reviewed the guide for setting up a connection in MySQL Workbench and reviewed the MySQL powerpoint deck. Check the previous post on MySQL setup and supplementary powerpoint.

Wednesday (9/19):

MySQL Quick Demo

ICA #2.1: Working with SQL, Part 1.

Friday (9/21):

Joining Tables, SQL Subselects, LIMIT

Resources for Assignment 1 (ER Modeling)

As Assignment 1 is due next Monday, 9/17, here are some additional resources to get help:

1. I hold regular office hours on Mondays and Wednesdays between 3:50 and 4:50 pm, in Speakman 201F. If you have a quick question, simply email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

2. If you’d like to practice on ERD, here is a practice question: Additional ERD Practice Question. It will not be collected. Step by step explanation and solution is provided.


Setting up MySQL Workbench Before Week 4 (the week of 9/17)

We’ll be using MySQL Workbench to create and execute SQL queries (to interact with databases). That will start around September 19, 2018.

(1) If you’re using your own computer (Windows or Mac), you’ll need to install the software;

If you’re using a lab computer which already has MySQL Workbench installed, you’ll still need to configure a connection to access databases with your username and password.

(2) You can get instructions for how to do both of those things in this Quick Guide to MySQL Workbench. Use the guide to set up your software and connection.

(3) Whether you use a lab computer or your own computer, you’ll also need a MySQL username and password. I’ve assigned one to each of you, which you’ll find in the Under Grades in Canvas

  • To find it, in Canvas, click Grades, then click “MySQL Account
  • You will find the MySQL username and password are added as comments to “MySQL Account.”
  • The first value that starts with “m” is the username, and the second value is the password.

Assignment #1: ER Modeling [Due Monday, 9/17/18 at 11:59 pm]

Here are the instructions for Assignment#1: ER Modeling.

Use ERDPlus to complete the assignment.

  • You must submit a single Microsoft Word or PDF document  (if you send multiple files, you will not get credit for the assignment.)
  • If you do not follow the instructions, your assignment will be counted late.
  • Late Assignment policy: All assignments will be assessed a 50% penalty (subtracted from that assignment’s score) for the first day (i.e. 24 hours) they are late. No credit will be given for assignments turned in more than 24 hours past the deadline.
  • Work needs to be done individually.

The assignment is due by Sep 17th, 11:59 p.m.

Agenda for Week 3 (Week of 9/10)

Dear all,

Below is the agenda for Week 3.

Monday (9/10):

Relational Data Modelling and ERD

ICA #1.2: Creating an entity relationship diagram (ERD)

Notes: In ICA #1.2, we will use ERDPlus ( to create Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD). Please view the YouTube tutorial ( before the class. This short video shows you how to create and export ERD as an image which can be placed into a Word document.

Wednesday (9/12):

Converting ERDs to Schemas

Friday (9/14):

ICA #1.3: Converting ERDs to Schemas



Agenda for Week 2 (Week of 9/3)

Dear all,

Hope you had a great weekend and labor day!

Below is the agenda for Week 2.

Wednesday (9/5):

Relational Data Modelling and ERD

ICA (In-Class Activity) #1.1: Identifying entities and attributes

Note: Your answers to ICA are required to submit before 6:50 pm on Wednesday. You can submit the file through Canvas>Assignment>In-Class Activities. By the way, I will not print out the question set for you. It’s up to you to print it or use the electronic version instead. Also, make sure that you have a computer to work on in the class.

Friday (9/7): 

More on ERD (primary keys, relationships, cardinality)



Using ERDPlus to Creat Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD)

Starting from next Friday, September 7, we will learn how to create Entity Relationship diagrams (ERDs) to model databases.

To create ERDs, we will use ERDPlus, a free tool that is quite easy to use. Specifically, we will use the standalone version of ERDPlus (, which allows us to create an ERD within a browser.

There is a short YouTube tutorial (link: that shows you how to create a diagram, and export the diagram as an image which can be placed into a Word document.

Please watch this video on your own before Monday, September 10.

MIS 2502 Survey: Get to know your background

Please take a couple of minutes to complete this optional survey: MIS 2502 Survey: Get to know your background by August 28 (the day before the 2nd class). This is for me to know a bit about you so that I can adjust the materials based on your background and interests. Your response would be much appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!



Welcome to MIS2502 Data Analytics!

Dear students,

Welcome to MIS2502 Data Analytics! This site will host the coursework for Section 003, by Aaron Zhi Cheng.

Please note that we will use this site to post up-to-date materials such as syllabus/schedule, class announcements, slide decks, in-class activities, and assignment instructions. While I will try to make announcements both in class and on the community site, it is a good idea for you to check the website regularly.

The Canvas site ( will be primarily for assignment submission, and sharing answer keys and videos/recordings. The grades will also be posted on Canvas.

Looking forward to a great semester!