Supply Chain at Internet Speed

Extra Credit Assignment

Value: This is an optional, individual extra credit assignment.  It can add up to 5 additional points to the case portion of your grade.

Assignment: In reviewing the literature, the web, your classes, etc. there are many uses of Information Technology (I/T), the internet, etc. that can address important supply chain management issues, opportunities for improvement, etc.

Select one (1) opportunity to use I/T that positively impacts supply chain management and operations that we did not discuss in a class case.  For that opportunity write a 1-2 page white paper that:

  • Outlines what the opportunity is to use I/T in Supply Chain Management
  • Describes the Supply Chain Management issue / opportunity / etc.
  • Describes how use of I/T addresses that issue / opportunity
  • Defines the compelling reason a Supply Chain Manager should take advantage of this opportunity

Note: Assume the White Paper is going to be read by busy Supply Chain Managers.   These busy managers (like some professors) are not looking for lots of words and filler – they want to know all the critical facts and ideas presented in a clear, readable and compelling manner.

Due:  April 14th (in-class)

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