Requirements Analysis
“Systems analysis is the part of the systems development life cycle in which you determine how the current information system functions and assess what users would like to see in a new system. Analysis has two subphases: requirements determination and requirements structuring. In this unit, you will learn about determining system requirements. Techniques used in requirements determination have evolved over time to become more structured and increasingly rely on computer support. We will first study the more traditional requirements determination methods, including interviewing, observing users in their work environment, and collecting procedures and other written documents. We will then discuss more current methods for collecting system requirements. The first of these methods is Joint Application Design (JAD). Next, you will read about how analysts rely more and more on information systems to help them perform analysis. As you will see, CASE tools, discussed in unit one, are useful in requirements determination, and prototyping has become a key tool for some requirements determination efforts. Finally, you will learn how requirements analysis continues to be an important part of systems analysis and design, whether the approach involves business process redesign, new Agile techniques (such as constant user involvement or usage-centered design), or focuses on developing Internet applications.”
Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2017). Modern systems analysis and design (8th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
- Read:
- Chapter 6, Modern Systems Analysis and Design
- CISA Review Manual, Section(s):
- 3.15.2 Requirements Definition
- Participate in this week’s class and online discussions
- Complete written assignment 5.1 (WA-5.1)
- Complete practical assignment 5.1 (PA-5.1)
- describe options for designing and conducting interviews and develop a plan for conducting an interview to determine system requirements,
- explain the advantages and pitfalls of observing workers and analyzing business documents to determine system requirements,
- explain how computing can provide support for requirements determination,
- participate in and help plan a Joint Application Design session,
- use prototyping during requirements determination,
- describe contemporary approaches to requirements determination, and
- understand how requirements determination techniques apply to the development of electronic commerce applications.
- Performing Requirements Determination
- Traditional Methods for Determining Requirements
- Contemporary Methods for Determining Requirements
- Agile Methods for Determining Requirements
CISA Topics
- Requirements Definition