Object Oriented Requirements Analysis
In this unit, we will begin discussing object oriented techniques for analysis and design. The modeling mechanisms and syntax are fully defined in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) standards, which have their origins in object oriented software systems design. Although they were originally intended as a tool for software development, their usefulness and flexibility for modeling any digital infrastructure have facilitated their becoming the defacto standard models used in systems analysis and design as well.
In this unit, we begin with Use Case models, which are similar to the context level diagrams we covered in the previous unit.
Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2017). Modern systems analysis and design (8th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
- Read:
- Modern Systems Analysis and Design
- Appendix 7A – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Use Cases
- Appendix 7B – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Activity Diagrams
- CISA Review Manual, Section
- 3.8.5 Object-Oriented System Development
- Modern Systems Analysis and Design
- Participate in this week’s class and online discussions
- Complete
- Written Assignment 7.1 (WA-7.1)
- Practical Assignment 7.1 (PA-7.1)
- explain use cases and use case diagrams and how they can be used to model system functionality,
- present the basic aspects of how to create written use cases,
- discuss process modeling with use cases for electronic commerce applications, and
- understand how to represent system logic with activity diagrams.
- Use Cases
- Use Case Diagrams
- Fully Developed Use Case
- Activity Diagrams