Week 12 – Summary
Aircrack-ng tool set is very powerful when it comes to wireless transmissions Monitoring, Attacking, Testing and Cracking. It is available in different suite options, such as: VM, Live CD and installer for linux OS. While LiveCD and VM versions are simpler to use, these packages have limitations and vulnerabilities. So, the best option is to use Suite for Linux OS, run suite within Linux environment to take full advantage of all functions; however, it would require deep knowledge of Linux. Aircrack can be used to crack WEP passcode using basic approach of capturing Initialization Vectors and then injecting collected IVs into packets via ARP Replay mode.
Question to the Class:
Is it worth it to write your own DLL for Windows in order to manually link drivers for aircrack to work? Would it not be more beneficial and easier to learn Linux, thus gaining more useful and broad experience?
In the News:
Mac OS X Zero-Day Exploit Can Bypass Apple’s Latest Protection Feature
A critical zero-day vulnerability has been discovered in all versions of Apple’s OS X operating system that allows hackers to exploit the company’s newest protection feature and steal sensitive data from affected devices.
P.S. After reading this news, I updated my Apple products right away!
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