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Web Application Development

MIS 2402 is a course designed to help students develop their skills in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Specifically, student learns about loops, arrays, conditional statements, data validation, responsive web design, and making API calls in this course. The final goal is to use those listed skills to create web-based applications and integrate web-based services that are crucial to a business’ operation. JavaScript is a useful and popular programming language, hence, this course equipped me with the general knowledge of JavaScript so I can further develop my skills with higher-level programming such as web APIs.

Cloud Architecture

Cloud Architecture is one of my favorite courses. This course concentrates mostly on AWS and its integration with web APIs. I learned how to utilize and configure many of AWS resources such EC2 instances, RDS, DynamoDB, S3/S3 Glacier storage. Throughout the course, I was able to put together and deploy a simple RESTful API that retrieves data from EC2s and displayed data retrieved to the client-side. EC2 are auto-scaled to meet demand on the client-side. Cloud computing is one of my job interest. AWS is one of the most used cloud service provider along with Microsoft Azure. Hence, MIS 3406 provided me with beneficial technical AWS skills that can help me configure, modify and manage AWS-base servers in real-world jobs.

Data & Analytics

This course’s main purpose is to equip students with data analytics such as creating data models for businesses based on business rules; creating transactional database from a model using SQL/noSQL (MySQL & MongoDB); creating an analytical data store by extracting relevant data from a transactional database; perform extract-transform-load (ETL) functions such as data sourcing, pre-processing, and cleansing; exporing hidden trends in analytical data stores using data mining techniques of clustering, segmentation, association, and decision trees (R/RStudio). Data analytics is one of  my interests and this course familiarized me with the foundational knowledge of working with database and different types of data. R/Rstudio provided with technical skills to visualize data trends and patterns. SQL also is useful when it comes to retrieving data from a database from a server to integrate it with web APIs. These components are essential for data analysts.

User Experience Design

This course emphasize on the principles that define the usability and accessibility of a website, ensuring the user interface is interactive, friendly and efficient. We learned about Norman’s concepts of web designing. As for the technical aspect, WordPress is the main focus for design practices in MIS 3506. User experience is important for a web developer because it helps enhance the quality of users’ interaction with the website, ensuring the tasks are done with ease and limited confusion. This course reshaped my design thinking skills and it is a perfect addition to my technical web developing skills.

Web Service Programming

In this course, building a complete end-to-end web-based application using RESTful API architecture that involves Javascript, express methods (get/post), mySQL, jQuery, ajax, JSON and bootstrap. MIS 3502 also include SPI (single-page architecture) that use multiple APIs. The goal to make them communication with one another to enhance the user experience on the client-side. Web APIs are utilized everywhere nowadays, in every daily website we use from Amazon to Instagram, so understand the principles of RESTful and making sure the communication between the APIs are sufficient is vital for a web developer.

Managing Enterprise Security

MIS 4596 accentuates on topics such as risk assessment, information privacy, cryptography, authentication, ethical hacking, vulnerabilities detection and exploitation, social engineering, physical security, monitoring, recovery and malware analysis. I completed labs that cover each of aforementioned topics and wrote reports that regarding the security of the system that assist the business decision-making process. Cybersecurity is always important especially with the world moving towards digital platforms and that creates a tremendous amount of risks for information systems as well as their operational functionality. Understanding the concepts and general technical skills that involves security prepares me for the real-world situations and reminds me to always look at a business problem from a security/risk aspect in order to better assess it.

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