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Digital Leader Fireside Chat: Ron Kim

  1. Digital Leader Fireside Chat: Ron Kim
  2.  “What are the Pros and Cons of Careers in Consulting vs. Corporate?”
  3. Temple University
  4. Zoom webinar, 12pm, February 24, 2021
  5. People you work with in the corporate environment, especially top 200 Fortune companies, and the deal with working in it is more of a long-term thing. In consulting, you work on different projects with a lot of different people, so it’s short-term, but in corporate, it’s likely that you can make some long-term connection with people you work with. Its easier to go from consulting to corporate. Nowadays, companies make partners juniors, compensation has changed since the 90s. Consulting partnering with a company will bring you around 250,000 – 300,000 plus any bonus, so it’s still good compensation but just not as much as back in the 90s. As for industry switching, you have to be curious and eager to learn about it, it’s the attitude that makes employers want to hire you. As long as you have a strong technological foundation, you can adapt to pretty much any field, and apply your knowledge and skills about technology.
  6. It gave me an insight with how consulting career looks like, such as the environment and the compensation and where should I plan my career and the transition between consulting and corporate operational roles.

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