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The Optimization of Influencer Marketing & Beyond

  1. The Optimization of Influencer Marketing & Beyond
  2. “With the recent growth of the influencer marketing industry, brands are getting much more serious about their influencer investments. So, what’s the best way to measure influencer marketing? How can you find the best influencer for your goals? What are some of the most effective ways to work with influencers? We’ll ask a body-positivity Instagram influencer, an influencer growth and optimization expert, and a former influencer agent.”
  3. Temple University
  4. Zoom webinar, at 1pm, on Tuesday, February 9th, 2021
  5. Platforms that you use to influence are important because you need to keep it consistence with content creation, it has to be a comfortable environment for you to work in so you feel motivated to keep up with generating new content on your page. You should focus on the amount of responses associated with your posts to see that if your messages or your campaigns are working, no matter the reactions to it are positive or negative. You should also concentrate on the upsides of the reaction panel to recognize the positive changes you made to the audience/followers and take negative comments as criticism and selectively filter them to reinforce the quality of your future content. It’s all about building relationships and interact with your followers (comment, follow, like) to expand and explore your potential audience and/or business partner that would like to sponsor or collaborate with you.
  6. I can use some of these skills to apply in projects in my Marketing 2101 course. In the future, it may be useful for me to initiate and run my own social media platforms, hopefully multiple ones and enhance my future business’ reputation through potential business partners and clients.

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