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Professional Development #1 – Personal Brand Management – Ben Kates

Ben Kates works at CompassRed. He believes an important reason he got this job was because he was able to communicate visualization projects he worked on. Data analytics and visualization are very useful for everyone, including organizations. Visual representations of work unique to yourself is more important than a resume, E-portfolio, and a cover letter. If multiple applicants submit similar artifacts as you, then you will get lost in the crowd and employers will lose interest. A unique solved problem or website done by you stands out.  If you do not have work to share, solve a unique problem on your own and show the work. Make your page more unique and noticeable with media, not a long wall of text. Prepare a digital elevator pitch. It is okay to sit in between an impression of always knowing the answers and the impression that you are still learning. Do competitions or challenges to improve yourself and to show that you are interested in your field and not just doing the bare minimum to get a job. Having a proficiency in r studio, tableau, or SQL is important for your resume and shows that you can learn new skills.

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