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IBIT Mentoring program

For the IBIT mentoring program, I was partnered with Jerry Thomas from Amerisource Bergen. I met with him twice during the semester, and we discussed different topics regarding career development and how to better portray myself as a professional. Jerry helped me create a set path for professional development, and we discussed how to achieve that path in the most efficient way. It was great to be able to get resources from a professional in his field, and since Jerry does recruiting and hires others for his company, he knows what to look for in potential recruits.

The first topic we discussed was developing my image based on a specific career path. I informed Jerry that I would like to pursue a career in web3 development, and we were discussing various methods of pursuing a career in such a field. Since this field is still very much in development, it is hard to follow a specific path in it, so therefore we were focusing on how to develop my knowledge in the field. He told me that the best way to create a professional image for myself regarding the field is to focus on working on various projects and research, and to show potential employers I have significant knowledge in the field. He told me the best way to advertise myself is to show how I could use my knowledge of web3 to positively impact the company, and how I would be able to make them money. We also discussed how to further my knowledge of web development and where to look for experience in the field, and that one of the best methods to prove my knowledge it to take classes and receive certificates in the field.

It was a great opportunity to be able to get this type of first-hand feedback from a professional because I was definitely struggling with how to further prove my knowledge of web3, and how to use it in a professional work environment. Jerry helped me rationalize the process and break it down into smaller, more feasible steps, and told me what recruiters really look for is someone that can not only bring value to their company, but also has knowledge and genuine interest in a field.

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