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IBIT Digitization Projects

Project 1: GGF

Greensgrow Farms (GGF) is a small local business that has been having difficulty keeping their technology operations up-to-date. GGF is interested in moving their IT infrastructure to the cloud via Microsoft Teams. Our role as IBIT consultants was to identify GGF’s key requirements for moving to the cloud in order to determine what MS 365 package (from TechSoup) would best fit the organization. In addition, we crafted a written report that detailed our recommendation on implementing and organizing MS 365 and teams, specifically for GGF. Through our research and recommendation, we discovered MS 365 was optimal for GGF due to the fact that it was an effective,efficient cloud storage and communication tool that fit their budget constraints. Overall, I had a great experience on this project and was happy to be able to learn more about MS Teams (which I had never previously worked with) as well as complete meaningful and valuable work to the local community in a time of need.

Project 2: 

Normandy Alberti is a designer high-heel brand that has just recently launched their brand. Normandy (Owner and Founder) was interested in improving upon her existing Shopify website and improving functionality. She was also looking to get help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media pointers/minor improvements. My role as an IBIT consultant was to audit her current site, make improvements/recommendations, and implement the new changes onto her site. The website became the outline for Carly to implement her SEO descriptions and improvements for the new images. I was able to completely redesign her website and the functionality behind placing an order. Overall, I had a great time working on this project and was happy to apply the things I am learning in my UX design class to the website redesign. The client was very happy with the deliverables and I was glad to complete valuable and meaningful work to take her brand to new heights.

Project 3: All Services and Products

All Services and Products (ASAP) was in need of better brand establishment, website revamp, and general SEO improvement. My role revolved around revamping the website, reorganizing the layout/content on the site, and implementing the various brand logos, pictures, and graphics that Maura created. I am very proud of the work Maura and I completed on the site. We were able to improve the accessibility of the site – in terms of improving the SEO as well as also improve the look and feel of the site. I am confident that the work we completed aligns with the client’s wishes and message. I learned a lot about SEO, which I had never previously done, and am so glad to help an up and coming business like ASAP.

Project 4: SOAR 

SOAR is a Delaware based nonprofit providing aid to victims of sexual abuse. The organization was in need of brand improvements, a website revamp, and SEO/social media improvements. This was my first time working with Wix and it was a very enjoyable process and a great learning experience. This is Maura and I’s second project together and we were able to work well and collaborate on our different ends of the projects very nicely. The client was very happy with the new website, SEO changes, logo, and the new direction of their social media. It was very rewarding to work with a non-profit that was so grateful to have our help, and also leverage our work to help more people.


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