TA for Data Science for the Physical and Life Sciences
1. Worked with students in the course Data Science for the Physical and Life Sciences to help them answer any questions that had to do with their weekly Python data science labs. I also graded homework to help the professor.
2. The labs were all on a website called Jupyter Notebook where the professor assigned a variety of lab questions that the students had to complete as their homework every week.
3. I learned lots of skills such as patience and how to work as a teacher to assist students who might have never coded in their lives before. I could see the progression of their coding skills throughout the 2 semester that I was a TA (Spring 2021 and Fall 2021). This relates to my major because we coded in python and coding is a major part of the IT/MIS field as well as learned new data collecting and organizing skills through python that could be used in my job one day.