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IT Instructor

  1. IT Instructor – Lavner Camps
  2. The overall role of my position was to educate kids from the ages 7-13 in the world of STEM using different technology such as lego robotics, coding to make the robots function, working with 3-D printers to print out objects that the kids created in TinkerCad, and much more. I also had to keep an eye out for my class of usually around 8 kids the whole time to make sure they were all engaged in the technology as well as staying safe at the camp.
  3. One week I taught Lego Robotics camp where we used Brainstorm Lego Robotics kits to construct and then use tablets to code in what the kids wanted the robots to do. For example, I set up an obstacle course and they had to put in the correct code to make the robot move on its own through the course. Another week I taught a 3-D printing camp where the kids used TinkerCad to design project that I would have to sometimes fix up to ensure the 3-D printer printed the projects the way the kids wanted them to print.
  4. I learned from this that firstly, I do not want to work with kids as a profession and gained a lot of respect for teachers. I also learned lots of good time management skills because these kids were always asking technology questions all at once and I had to pop around from kid to kid to problem solve their tech problems. This could be good practice for working with colleagues so I can give them all technology help and be able to utilize my time in the best ways I could manage. This relates to my major because I used technology everyday this summer at this camp where every little tech problem went wrong, and I had to use my knowledge of technology to solve these problems. I also had to know coding well enough to be able to teach little kids what to do and teaching kids is way harder than teaching adults, so I love I got that experience to practice how to step people through tech problems. When using TinkerCad, I was explaining to the kids the world of data with information that I learned from MIS 2101 such as all the little pieces of data that websites always collect like when you log on every day, they log it, and when they search up a certain character or piece to add to their designs the website logs it and adds it to their recommended page.
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