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Sharpen your Differentiation in Times of Uncertainty

Sponsoring Organization: Gartner Webinars

When Where: Online interactive video on Gartner’s Website 9/26/2022

This webinar’s overall topic was on product/service differentiation, and how to differentiate your business or product/service in times of economic uncertainty. It surrounded three interactive exercises surrounding what makes us different, what does the buyer care about and how we can compare ourselves to potential competitors. The webinar also covered specific differentiators in both technology products and services. My big takeaway from this webinar is that the customers notice differentiated products and tend to gravitate more towards them in most situations as opposed to generic products.

As a business student, this webinar definitely related to my course work and later career goals. I have already taken a variety of classes (e.g. marketing) that taught customer focus and differentiation, this webinar simply reinforced and built on those lessons. As far as how this webinar relates to my MIS specific career, somewhere down the line I would be thrilled to work in development (software or hardware.) Having knowledge of product service differentiation especially in times of uncertainty would be invaluable.

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