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Professional Development

Thinkful Webinar: Getting Started in Tech

November 27th, 2018 | Online

The Thinkful Webinar presented by Andrea was hosted online during the afternoon on 11/27/18. The presentation went over some of the most common first jobs for a developer and where the career can go next. This webinar is very relevant to me as I am in the Data-Centric Application Development class where I am getting my feet wet in coding. As of right now, I am excelling in that course. The information from this webinar, specifically the section going over how to get my foot in the door in the industry, is something that will be very helpful should I decide to pursue this career path.

How Disruptive Innovation is Changing the Way the World Moves

April 19th, 2018 | The Union League – Philadelphia, PA

The event was held at the Union League just south of City Hall. Presented by David Schoch, former Chairman and CEO of Ford China, we learned about how new innovations can be disruptive to the current world economy. Mr. Schoch went on to explain how these disruptions aren’t necessarily a bad thing, and used Henry Ford’s assembly line as an example of how disruptive innovation can be a good thing.

Philadelphia Flyers Data Analytics in Sports Program

March 1st, 2018 | Wells Fargo Center – Philadelphia, PA

The event was held at the Wells Fargo Center and covered how the Flyers are using data analytics to get better market penetration. They use different CRM software to do this, for example, Salesforce. They also use programs like Tableau to create visual dashboards that make reading and interpreting data easier.

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