Database Administrative Intern at Power Equipment Resotration
I have learned how to work more in depth with SQL and how to create a database within a company’s server. I was able to work with the IT Lead who was very knowledgeable on creating the back end work on how to support these systems and get them up and running efficiently. I learned how to communicate with my superior and for the first time work on a meaningful project that was actually implemented with a team. This will help me in the future as a will be working in a team once I get my security clearance to work at Lockheed Martin.
Power Equipment Restoration is a company that is sub contracted by large restoration companies such as ServPro or Belfor to deal with electronics after fires and floods. They do tech support and technical repairs for any electronics from notebooks to refrigerators. These processes are completed by servicing items on-site or by taking them to their work area and servicing them in house. The work that is done on these items is normally component replacement and backups of data.
The overall experience with Power Equipment Restoration was very helpful for what I will do in my future career. I love working on the back-end technology of a company and working here has helped increase my knowledge in this area. They have taught me many valuable lessons on implementation processes, and how companies interact with one another. The work culture was very relaxed and the employees were eager to help me with any problems. I was able to see first hand how important the back-end support is in the everyday workings of an organization. Also I was able to learn about a job field that is very secure with insurance and how insurance and restoration companies are and will always be needed in the world.