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  • Accessibility
  • Analytics
  • Business process analysis
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
This Year
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1445 Points
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Related Courses:

MIS 2101: Information Systems in Organization – In this course, I learned about various systems which organizations use to efficiently manage their digital products. I learned the utilization and importance of Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Supply Chain Management. Understanding the utilization of these tools helped me develop critical thinking into the business process. I also learned how to map business processes through exploring and building swim lane diagrams. As a result, I was able to better understand the coding portion of this course which as allowed me to develop an ability to use Javascript, HTML, and CSSS.

MIS 0855: Data Science – Throughout this course, I learned the importance of data to businesses and how they use it to essentially do everything from  communicating, making decisions, and solving problems. I learned to extract raw data, transform it into an analysis using a variety of programs, and load or update my findings. Additionally, this course has taught me how to determine the quality of a data set and ask specific questions in order to develop the most accurate analysis. Apart from this, I learned how to effectively convey my analysis through the use of various graphs and diagrams to allow it to be more easily understood by almost everyone. Various programs that I learned too used throughout this course includes Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and Piktochart.





Fall 2020: 

  • ACCT 2102: Managerial Accounting 
  • BA 2101 : Professional Development Strategies 
  • FIN 3101 : Financial Management 
  • HIST 0876: Religion in Philadelphia 
  • MKTG 2101: Marketing Management 
  • IH 0851: Intellectual Heritage 1

Spring 2020: 

  • ACCT 2101: Financial Accounting 
  • ECON 1102: Microeconomic Principles
  • EDUC 0819: Tweens and Teens
  • ENG 0802: Analytical Reading & Writing 
  • LGLS 1101: Legal Environment of Business 

Fall 2019:

  • BA 1001: Business Seminar 1
  • ECON 1101: Macroeconomic Principles
  • HRM 1101: Leadership & Organizational Management 
  • MUST 0812: Exploring Music
  • REL 0863: Religion in the World 
  • STAT 2103: Statistical Business Analytics
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