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MIS 2502 Extra Credit: Virtual Data Cubes

Virtual Data Cubes


A Virtual Data cube is used in relational databases. This virtual cube is the combination of two data cubes put into one virtual cube. A virtual cube is made to analyze different dimensions and measures of two data cubes into one larger virtual data cube that the ender user can see. One way we can use this cube is to measure the average sales per website using two data cubes; combining these two data cubes into one larger Virtual Cube:

1)   Date Cube 1 -Stores number of visitors on website

2)   Data Cube 2 – Store Purchases

Virtual Data Cubes can also be made for security purposes. A virtual cube can prevent unauthorized people from viewing confidential information. The cube can be made of sensitive and non-sensitive information depending on the user. Users can only see the information they are authorized to use.



We used data cubes in the dimensional modeling section of our class. The new virtual cubes are made up of the Data cubes we used. Data cubes are associated with Dimensional modeling. First we learned about data warehouse, then data marts and then finally data cubes. Data cubes are a summary of a certain time period associated with an analytical database. The Virtual Data cubes are made up from the data cubes we have learned about in MIS 2502.


Telcordia Technologies, located in Morristown have proposed an idea to use virtual data cubes showing its usefulness. “We then present a solution based on the concept of transaction oriented fact table and the virtual cube approach”. The CIS department at Telecordia has found a way using a virtual data cube to store the repair stock using three dimensions, equipment, locations and date. The advantages are the values or fact of the cube can be evaluated on the fly. Also, the virtual cube is self-contained and they say the virtual cube is more amenable to optimization.

Works Cited

Chen, Chung-Min, Munir Cochinwala, and Elsa Yueh. “Dealing with SlowEvolving Fact A Case Study on Inventory Data Warehousing .” N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2013.

Rouse, Margaret. “Virtual Cube.” What Is ? N.p., Apr. 2012. Web. 08 May 2013. <>.

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