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This Year
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1165 Points
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Course Work


Fall 2017

  • Managerial Accounting
  • Excel for Business Applications
  • Microeconomic Principles
  • Information Systems in Organizations
  • Marketing Management
  • Quantitative Methods for Business I

Spring 2018

  • Business Society and Ethics
  • Data Analytics
  • Data-Centric Application Development
  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Quantitative Methods for Business II

Fall 2018

  • Professional Development Strategies
  • Finical Management
  • Enterprise IT Architecture
  • Digital Solutions Studio
  • Operations Management

Spring 2019

  • Business Communications
  • Integrative business Applications
  • Application Integration and Evaluation
  • Lead Global Digital Projects

Fall 2019

  • Global Business Policies
  • Information System Integration

As a management information systems major, I have learned a great deal about technology and analytics while studying at Temple University. Courses such as Data Analytics and Data-Centric: Application Development have broadened my knowledge and interest in the field of MIS. These are aspects I will carry into my future career.  I am thankful that Temple University has given me the opportunities to be successful inside and out of the classroom.

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