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Professional Development Activites

Participated in the MIS 2502 Project

During the spring 2018 semester, I comprised a write up on the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will improve data analytics. After doing the research on the subject, I learned a great deal about artificial intelligence and how we can use applications powered by artificial intelligence to solve business problems. It was beneficial for me as an MIS student to partake in this project because it enhanced my knowledge about artificial intelligence as well as data analytics. Project

AIS Department Sponsored Event

AIS Mission Statement: “The Association for Information Systems (AIS) serves society through the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of excellence in the practice and study of information systems. AIS is the premier professional association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of information systems worldwide.” As an AIS member I was tasked with volunteering for 2018 Information Technology (IT) awards. During my volunteering session I helped prepare name cards as well as prepare folders for the IT Awards event. I found the volunteering session extremely beneficial because it allowed me to work in a team setting and also emphasized the importance of volunteer work.

Attended The 2018 IT Awards at Temple University

I recently attended the eighteenth annual Information Technology (IT) awards at Temple University. The award show honored many students, faculty, and remarkable figureheads within the MIS industry. I found the award show to be beneficial because I was able to meet with a number of hardworking students within the MIS department. I also got the opportunity to network with graduates who now work within the MIS industry. The award show showcased the department and displayed many great things about Temple University as a whole. I will definitely be attending the award show next year.

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