Personal Journal Entry (Week ending 9/26/14)
This week, our team completed a great deal of the foundational work required to lead an organized, efficient project. With the BAs’ first deliverable due this week, we are beginning to realize the importance of organization. Simple tasks such as creating a shared Google Drive, creating an ongoing email thread, and creating an informal means of communication (specifically the GroupMe messaging app) have facilitated the timely submission and sharing of these deliverables. With that being said, one major aspect that seems to be going well is communication. I believe that this was facilitated through our first team meeting, where we instilled a certain level of trust in the BA’s to come to us with any questions or concerns they may have. If they need something, they do not hesitate to contact us right away to analyze how we could improve the team’s situation.
One aspect that I would like to improve upon in the team is the involvement of the PMs in providing value to the BAs’ deliverables. I would like to see several iterations of revisions taking place on the BAs’ deliverables. If we are able to provide insight into deliverables, I believe that the BAs will experience less confusion and ambiguity while creating the deliverables.
Throughout the upcoming week, I would like to continue the successful communication chain that exists within our team. However, I would like to provide more concrete contributions to the teams’ deliverables in the upcoming week.