Personal Journal Entry (Week ending 10/3/14)
This week the BAs had their first exam in MIS3504. With that being said, the project was somewhat put on the back burner until after the completion of the exam. As a PM, I felt that this was a good time reevaluate some of the team’s deliverables to prepare for the next meeting (project scope, schedule, etc.). During our last meeting, we focused primarily on Justinmind and the process of prototyping, which we ensured them would take the majority of their resources and time allocated for this project. From prior experience, the PMs found this to be true. On a personal level, I have scheduled to sit down and help one of the BAs with understanding and navigating the Justinmind prototyping software. This is a very complex software, so the faster that the BAs can familiarize themselves with the software, the faster they will be able to focus on other aspects of the project. I assume that next week will pick back up in terms of tasks due to the fact that the BAs will be focused primarily on the project, and not the exam.