Unlocking Future Employment: The Importance of Mastering Blockchain and AI now
Speaker of this Event was Dr. Hala Faissal
Chair and Economic Professor – Lebanese University
The presentation was broken down by PowerPoint slides. She first wanted to explain the basics of Blockchain and how it evolved over the years and how it was utilized by citizens and companies over the years. The other slides were talking about the steps of how a college student could learn more about open source AI and blockchain and how to get an entry- level job in the market.
Someone of the topic slides were the importance of technological advancement, Rapid Technological evolution, Emphasis on staying ahead in the technology. Each had 4 pillars on understanding the depth each powerpoint slide. I believe this was very insightful and adds to my major since the speaker was also an economics professor and spoke about how her focus of study was essential in understand the impact of blockchain society and the economy