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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Blockchain
  • Cyber-security
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This Year
50 Points
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What Is Web3?

Web3, taught by Morten Rand-Hendriksen, has been instrumental in advancing my journey toward becoming a blockchain analyst. It provides a comprehensive foundation for understanding the principles and technologies shaping the next generation of the internet. With my background in Management Information Systems and Economics, this course bridges technical concepts—such as decentralization, blockchain mechanics, and smart contracts—with their broader economic and societal implications.

Morten’s clear explanations on distinguishing between cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, tokens, and coins have enhanced my ability to evaluate blockchain ecosystems analytically. Additionally, the course’s exploration of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), NFTs, and decentralized storage has given me a deeper understanding of how blockchain technology is applied in real-world scenarios. These insights empower me to assess blockchain solutions critically and contribute strategic value in this rapidly evolving field.

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