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Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design

This LinkedIn Learning Course was Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design (OOP) by Barron Stone and Olivia Chiu Stone.

In my current role as an IT Developer Intern at USLI, I use C# and JavaScript on my project, Test Quality Utility (TQU). The point of TQU is to take their builds/release information from their Azure DevOps dashboard and display it in a more user-friendly manner that is useful for the DevOps team and also be an automated email service containing the Azure information. This project is my introduction to C# and OOP. I have picked up on the language and concepts well and even learned how to code in C# asynchronously; however, I still have a lot to learn about it.

In this course, I relearned the basic principles, such as Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. Also, I learned how to arrange C# classes, methods, and objects following OOP best practices like avoiding creating “God Objects” and appropriately identifying class relationships and responsibilities. Throughout the course, they used an example of a spaceship shooter game, and I was thinking about how to apply their standards to my TQU project. I kept notes on how I could change my Release or Release Environment classes in TQU, as they demonstrated with their Spaceship and Asteroid classes. As I continue to refactor my code, I will be sure to implement these principles.

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