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Tech Recruiting Foundations: 5 Waterfall, Agile, and DevOps for Recruiters

Since waterfall and agile are important concepts in IT, I wanted to understand them in depth. Furthermore, the project I am working on at my internship with United States Liability Insurance (USLI) is heavily involved with their software deployment information on Azure DevOps. Yet I did not know much about DevOps until I watched Ayub Shaikh’s LinkedIn Learning course Tech Recruiting Foundations: 5 Waterfall, Agile, and DevOps for Recruiters.

Even though this course is targeted at IT recruiters, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though the Waterfall model is considered outdated, I enjoyed learning about the different potential roles associated with each step of the model and the handoff from the business people to the developer to the testers/researchers. I could also associate what I learned about the Agile model with how I do my project at my internship at USLI, which will help me when writing cover letters. While I don’t deploy my application but rather send code reviews to my project manager, the iterative process of Agile remains the same.

I also learned about DevOps as a concept in relation to the Agile model. It is a combination of development and operations that iterates the exchange between the departments rather than a single hand-off, which used to be the case before DevOps. I also learned where builds and releases fall in this iterative process (plan—> code—> build—> test—> release—> deploy—> operate—> monitor—> plan), which now makes my USLI Azure DevOps project make more sense to me.

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