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Fox Peer Teacher

As a Fox Peer, my primary role is to assist students with their academic work, provide feedback for improvement, and help them develop their skills and understanding of the introductory content of MIS. This involved meeting with students 1-on-1 through study sessions and office hours, holding exam review sessions, and providing aid during class. I also lead my own class sessions on coding topics like conditional statements and loops.

Some projects I worked on were:

  1. Developing an articles page relating to the different topics of the class
  2. Developing a coding video vault page with videos created by myself and other Diamond Peers
  3. Developing new coding challenges to add to the ones that the class already has
  4. Creating new In-Class Activities to be more relevant to our current technology
  5. Recreating and improving on specific assignments that students tend to struggle with, including Riley’s Ranking, the final coding assignment for the class

Overall, there was a lot that I learned from this experience. For starters, I’m interested in working in academia, so being able to communicate with students on technology and coding is an essential skill for me to continuously practice. I refined my communication skills in both written and verbal contexts so that I can better guide others moving forward. As I deepened my knowledge of MIS, I also gained experience in planning and delivering presentations with my knowledge.

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