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My Calendar

The way I’ve been organizing my classes, homework, internships, due dates, meetings, and personal events has been through this whiteboard. I write my classes and other consistent events in permanent marker, and the events or due dates for only that week in dry-erase marker. I set short-term goals in the bottom left square. For example, my internship with USLI involves learning C# and SQL, so I have that written down. I have my long-term goals in the bottom-right box. For example, I wrote down the Fall 2022 section early during the summer, and the things I have accomplished so far (like joining AIS and being an ITA) get a check. I even write down reminders like my priority registration starting November 2nd at 7 am.

Overall, I use this whiteboard for everything I need to remember and work towards. It helps me with my coursework and career goals because it helps me organize myself and stay productive and on track. I usually have a lot to do and remember, and digital calendars have never worked for me. I’ve noticed that my productivity and motivation have significantly increased since I got this whiteboard.

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