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NetCom Learning Webinar || Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Master Class

I attended NetCom’s Learning Webinar Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Master Class on May 30th. Even though I’m not planning on getting a Microsoft Certificate, this webinar helped me understand how a security team can use Microsoft systems. I especially enjoyed learning about using Microsoft 365 for authentication and access management and how the application can combine an on-prem network and ActiveDirectory subnets living in Azure. Ho govern user identity and authorization rights, one must: 

  • Monitor lifecycle (the duration of the user’s authorization) events 
  • Monitor the identities of the lifecycle events 
  • Doing this without making the lives of the user difficult

The webinar also covered several strategies for identity security, depending on the situation. 

This webinar is related to my career because the company I intern for uses ActiveDirectory, Azure, and other Microsoft applications for security and other IT activities, so understanding the basics of these will help me every time for development. Furthermore, now that I know this certification, I can consider taking it myself. 

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