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PwC Challenge Case Competition

  1. PwC- PricewaterhouseCoopers
  2. Alter Hall, February 5th, 2019- Spring 2019
  3. I decided to participate in a PwC Challenge case competition because I wanted to utilize the information I learned in the classroom in a real-life situation. By cleaning dirty data, analyzing big data, and creating full-blown infographics, I utilized my skills of collaboration and creativity to construct and present a complete, cohesive presentation to working professionals. This challenge case competition allowed me to push my education beyond the classroom. My groupmate and I also had to present our presentation in front of working professionals. This experience allowed us to expand our network on a broader level.
  4. Data analysis is what initially pushed me to pursue MIS. The case competition allowed me to work in a group setting, and it created a mock real-life simulation of how data analysis can be used to make decisions and plans for a company. The case competition had no right or wrong answers, so I was able to create and connect my ideas. Additionally, with no right or wrong answers, the whole experience felt like a task that would be given to one in a real work setting. All the same information was given to each group. However, how the students utilized the given information created the distinctions between the presentations. Thus, the case competition encouraged me to think outside the box and create my ideas with only a limited amount of information. I was able to use techniques in Tableau that I learned from MIS 0855 to create better infographics.
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      Fall 2019

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    • AIS Speaker Series TrackSpring 2020
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    • PwC Challenge Case Competition Spring 2019

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